這是我參加第二屆臺大文學翻譯獎的翻譯作品,貼上來讓大家笑一下。很可惜我太晚看到公告了,而且上班以後雜事一堆,所以我只有一整天的時間可以翻譯這兩首詩;如果時間多些可以多改幾個版本應該會更好! 我自己覺得如果純粹以翻譯文章的角度來看,我已經把九成的意思翻譯出來了;可是如果以翻譯詩的角度來看,能改善的空間還很大。反正志在參加不在得獎,就當成是練習。翻譯要求的三大目標就是信達雅,而它們往往互相牴觸,要怎麼衡量實在需要功力。


編號2: 〈自責〉朱淑真
女子弄文誠可罪 那堪詠月更吟風
磨穿鐵硯非吾事 繡折金針卻有功

Mutter by Shuzhen Zhu
It is repugnant for a woman to be rhetorical, let alone recitative and rhythmic.
Phrasing discreetly would be futile, but embroidering delicately is a feat.
編號3: 聞雁有感>文徵明
尺書不至意茫茫 酒醒俄驚雁北翔
迢遞秋聲連朔漠 蹉跎歸思滿衡湘
五更風雨青燈暗 萬里江湖白髮長
海內平生幾兄弟 年來零亂不成行

Grief after Hearing Swan Geese’s Groan by Zhengming Wen
Feeling absent and experiencing alone while expected letters are unpost; sobering up and being astonished when a flight of swan geese emigrate north.
Consecutive autumn trend relays to the remote desert. And successive nostalgia arouses me to return south.
Tempest blowing at dawn makes oil lamp dim. Odyssey in mundaneness lets gray hair long.
Recalling companions and comrades countrywide, they cannot closely list and line because of cumulative turmoil and tumult.

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